Povodom priprema naše sekcije za organizaciju IPA olimpijade u sportu, koja će se održati od 10-15.05. 2020 godine u Baru, u posjeti je boravila visoka delegacija IPA, komisija za kulturno sportske aktivnosti IEB.
Delegaciju od 11 članova je predvodila potpredsjednica IPA Gal Šaron.
O utiscima gostiju nakon posjete najbolje ,,oslikava” mejl koji je od predsjednice delegacije upućen našem predsjedniku.
Dear Vojo.
I would like to thank you and your wonderful team, especially Ivana,
who helped organize, host and accompany the meeting of the SCC in
The hospitality was wonderful, friendly and in the spirit of IPA.
Montenegro is a beautiful country.
The connection between IPA to all municipal, governmental and other
organization is giving you a good head start in hosting and organizing
international events.I want to thank you on behalf of the IEB, the SCC friends and me.
Adv. Gal Sharon
International Vice President
International Social & Cultural Commission